I've known a lot of Dads in this crazy lifetime of mine. My gratitude is endless for all of the lessons learned, every relationship unique in its own way. I never knew my parents as a couple. My Dad lived an hour or so away and my sister Ashley and I visited every second weekend for lots of our childhood. In the summer he would take us on big camping trips, usually to the interior to visit family along the way. Those trips were pretty great! But life moves forward and kids grow up and get smart. Or something like that... My Dad was a good guy but alcohol is a bitch and priorities get fucked real quick. Today I don't really talk to my Dad but he wishes me Happy birthday once a year and he says he loves me. Then there was Bill, the "step-dad". He was there as long as I remember and although a little crazy, he gave me my baby brother and for that I am ever grateful for his existence. Dakota was the most special little gift and I couldn't image my life without him. Besides being a bit of an ass most of the time, Bill was alright. Well not really but whatever. Then when my Moms relationship with Bill was at its worst I was about 8 or so we got a new neighbour on the block and he had a kid Dakotas age, Jay. Anyway, Jim had the best yard on the block, big tree house, trampoline, etc. He was busy digging a big pond the first summer they lived there and the entire neighbourhood was running crazy through his back yard. I was a bit of a weird kid so sometimes I just sit and chat with him... likely bugging the crap out of him while he tried to get shit done. He was the coolest Dad I had ever met. And so one day... and remember I said I was weird, I just out right asked him why he couldn't be my Dad. Hahahah! My Mom and him hadn't really met much up to that point, somehow I managed to convince her she should come over and hang out with him cuz he was so great. One day she did, pretending she needed help figuring out our very first ever computer. Lol! The rest is history. They both sold their houses in Chilliwack and to the island we came. Here we are, 23 years later and boy am I so blessed to have him for a Dad! He has always believed in me and convinced me I could do anything, grade 8 education or no. And to have ended up in this beautiful place I now call home... funny enough just 5 houses up from our old house when we first moved here. Here, Nanoose Bay. The place I was meant to be. The place that blessed me with so many wonderful people. The place I met Callum. We were best friends, together everyday and at 16 (and 19) we were in love! Inseparable. Lucky we were ready to head out on our own as a lot fell apart at that time. I got a job and Callum and I spent almost 13 glorious years creating a beautiful life together. With Callum I was also blessed with some pretty amazing fathers in law. Frasers unconditional love has meant more to me then I could ever express, I will forever feel like a part of the Steele family and that's pretty fuckin special to me. Dave (and Brenda) have always been there for us and if it weren't for their help in times of need I wouldn't be where I am today with this beautiful little piece of the world to call my own. Callum and I were blessed with Maddison after what seemed like forever... Who knew having kids could be so hard? Miscarriages suck. The bond between Maddison and Callum was something I will treasure for the rest of my life, the type of love that makes your heart grow 1000x! When she was just 2 and a half, her Daddy was taken from her. So fucking unfair. She knows how blessed she is and we hold our love in our hearts today and everyday. Thank you Callum for being the best Daddy in the universe, we love you, we miss you and we talk about you every day. Then by some divine miracle the universe decided love and light could conquer and my place in this world couldn't stay filled with so much darkness and out of a beautiful friendship blossomed a great love. Evan, a blessing beyond any imaginable. A compassionate gentle grounded soul with a mutual love for Callum, one of the greatest Dads there ever was. The support he shows has no bounds. The bond between he and Maddi so special my heart aches. A second Daddy. Double the blessings. And to top it off then bringing a beautiful baby brother into this world to fill her heart with so much love that even with the holes that she feels, it is exploding. Benjamin is such a bright light in this world, the blessings are endless. My life is abundant. Evan is the sweetest, most patient and gentle Dad. He teaches our kids so much and has taught me more in 3 years then I have learned most of my life. More and more blessings with the family that we now share. Peter (and Sharon) have welcomed me into their lives with open arms, another father in law to be grateful for! To take the kids camping and sailing to teach them so much through our experiences together. Love is around me everywhere. So many Dads to thank that have been a part of my journey. Fathers day, a good day to love our Dads extra hard and reflect on just how special their place is in our lives. Sending all the love to all the Dad's today and every day!
With appreciation and endless gratitude ~ Amanda
Thank you!

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